Catching up on some posts...
The third weekend in August marks the McLeod County Fair. They had some new cutouts this year for the "kids" to pose and take pictures. A bunch of blue ribbon winners!
I think the sheep had some problems finding the hole, but the bunny is all smiles!
Baby chicks in the kiddie barnyard. Sylvia and chickens are like peas in a pod... These were a bit smaller than she is used to playing with, but enjoyed them all the same.
The little goat was even nice enough to come over and say hi to Sylvia.
"putt, putt, putt" goes the little tractor. (That is the noise a tractor makes, right?)
As we were wrapping up the day, we walked through the car show and Sylvia loved this car. It was named "Woody", since the body was constructed mostly of wood, and riding shotgun, was a small Woody doll from "Toy Story". Needless to say, we starting watching the Toy Story trilogy once we returned home.
Until next year... Good-bye McLeod County Fair
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