After nap time on Saturday, we packed up the car and headed down to Northfield to spend some time with the Dunphy's. (Not the Dunphy's from Modern Family - which is a hilarious show by the way). The weather was great and allowed for some outside time for the cousins.
Shaylan was very protective of her three cell phones, while Sylvia followed close behind trying to increase her collection.
After all of that hard work, the girls sat down for an afternoon tea.
We all enjoyed a nice meal of grilled hamburgers and hotdogs... because the night was getting late, we saved dessert until we were back in Mpls. I was thinking Syliva would be fast asleep prior to leaving Northfield - it was already over an hour past her bedtime. She not only stayed up through Northfield, but the entire ride home. She didn't make a peep, just stayed awake. Once we walked in the door, it was off to bed... What a great kid!
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