Happy Halloween

Per normal, when the camera comes out, Sylvia turns into a completely different person.  Yesterday was Halloween and two minutes prior she was running around excited to get outside for trick or treating...
Picture time - not so much fun!

Violet on the other hand was just enjoying life.  Super Violet enjoyed climbing on the pumpkin - without falling down!

For whatever reason, Sylvia then decided to smile and we did get at least one good picture!

Super Violet in full costume... Her first treat was a pack of Play-doh.  (The measuring spoons were from home)

Trick or Treat at Mark and Terri's house... mmm more candy!

A couple more houses and we were done.  Each year we get more and more excited about Halloween, but when it comes to going up to doors, we are still slightly scared.  Maybe next year, Violet will take the charge!